Presentation at ICA 2022

We had the following presentation online at the International Congress on Acoustics 2022 held from 24 to 28 October. Yunqi.C. Zhang, C.T.J Hui, Yusuke Hioka, and Catherine I. Watson. Performance of speech enhancement algorithms for native Mandarin listeners on English...

Presentation at IROS 2022

Our past member (and current collaborator) Dr Benjamin Yen presented a paper titled ” Design of a Low-Cost Passive Acoustic Monitoring System for Animal Localisation from Calls” at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and...

Seminar at Sophia University

On 11 October 2022, Yusuke Hioka was invited by Prof Takayuki Arai at Sophia University to give a seminar titled “Effect of room acoustics on speech intelligibility under noise between native and non-native listeners”. The Communication Acoustics Lab has...

Presentation at Internoise 2022

We gave the following presentations online at Internoise 2022 held from 21 to 24 August. C. Lo, C.T.J. Hui, Y. Hioka. Speech privacy through dynamic fundamental frequency matching (Presentation video)