by Yusuke Hioka | Nov 30, 2021 | awards
The following members of the CAL received the Acoustical Society of New Zealand Award for their Part4 project presentation. Congrats to all. Jemima Prins Project title: Design of audio recording unit for localising kiwi birds from their calls Dylan Townsend Thomas...
by Yusuke Hioka | Sep 11, 2021 | publications
The following two journal papers authored by the members of the CAL with collaborators are published recently. C.T.J. Hui, M. Kingan, Y. Hioka, G. Schmid, G. Dodd, K.N. Dirks,S. Edlin, S. Mascarenhas, and Y.M. Shim. Quantification of the psychoacoustic effect of noise...
by Yusuke Hioka | Sep 4, 2021 | presentation
We had a presentation at Interspeech 2021 held online this week. Our PhD student Nicholas Eng talked about his recent study that investigated the performance of speech enhancement techniques for synthesised speech titled: “Comparing speech enhancement techniques...
by Yusuke Hioka | Sep 1, 2021 | New members
The CAL welcomed a new PhD student Clara Zhang who is studying how we could help non-native listeners to understand speech under adverse acoustic environments under the supervision of Dr Yusuke Hioka and Associate Professor Catherine Watson. Welcome Clara!
by Yusuke Hioka | Aug 30, 2021 | Examination
Our PhD student Benjamin Yen has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Well done and congratulations to Ben from all the members of the CAL. The defence was held fully online due to lockdown.
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