by Yusuke Hioka | Aug 25, 2020 | awards, Members, publications, Uncategorised
The research fellow Justine Hui presented her recent study on “Benefit from spatial release from masking for native and non-native listeners in simulated room acoustics” in Internoise 2020 held as an e-congress style due to the Covid-19 pandemic...
by Yusuke Hioka | Mar 16, 2020 | Members, Visitors
We welcomed a visiting research fellow Dr Eri Osawa from Speech Communication Laboratory, Sophia University, Japan. Eri is working with Yusuke Hioka and Justine Hui on the project to investigate the effect of room acoustics on the perception of Japanese vowels. Eri...
by Yusuke Hioka | Mar 1, 2020 | New members
To start the new academic year, the CAL welcomed following new students in the team. Masters students: Seo In Park: “Sound source localisation for drones” Part4 project students: Daniel Yau, Peter Lin: Project title “Audio recording and sound source...
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