Part4 students received Acoustical Society of NZ award

The following members of the CAL received the Acoustical Society of New Zealand Award for their Part4 project presentation. Congrats to all. Jemima Prins Project title: Design of audio recording unit for localising kiwi birds from their calls Dylan Townsend Thomas...

New journal papers

The following two journal papers authored by the members of the CAL with collaborators are published recently. C.T.J. Hui, M. Kingan, Y. Hioka, G. Schmid, G. Dodd, K.N. Dirks,S. Edlin, S. Mascarenhas, and Y.M. Shim. Quantification of the psychoacoustic effect of noise...

Presentation at Interspeech 2021

We had a presentation at Interspeech 2021 held online this week. Our PhD student Nicholas Eng talked about his recent study that investigated the performance of speech enhancement techniques for synthesised speech titled: “Comparing speech enhancement techniques...

Presentation at Internoise 2021

We had the following presentations at Internoise 2021 held online this week. Y. Hioka, M. Kingan, and G. Dodd. Learning effect of active-learning coursework in engineering acoustics course. presentation video recording link Y. Li, B. Yen, andY. Hioka. Performance...

Journal paper published

We have a journal paper published from Applied Acoustics authored by the members of the CAL (Justine Hui and Yusuke Hioka) with our collaborators. The paper studies a new framework for speech masking systems. The link to the paper is here.