New journal publication

We have a journal paper published from Speech Communication authored by the members of the CAL (Justine Hui and Yusuke Hioka) with our collaborators Dr Catherine Watson (Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering, University of Auckland) and Dr Hinako...

ARC excursion

Some members of CAL joined the Acoustics Research Centre excursion on 27 January. We played par 3 golf then had a social gathering with other members of the ARC.

CAL Summer excursion 2022

The CAL had the summer excursion in Muriwai Regional Park. We had a picnic then played soccer on the black sand beach (the sand was very hot!) then visited the famous Australian gannet colony. The trip was concluded by a stop at the popular icecream stand in...

Journal paper published

We have a journal paper published from Applied Acoustics authored by the members of the CAL (Benjamin Yen and Yusuke Hioka) with our colleagues at the Acoustics Research Centre of the University of Auckland. The paper studies a new approach of sound source separation...

Celebrating Benjamin Yen

The CAL members gathered over lunch and celebrated Benjamin for finishing his PhD. Congrats to Ben for his big achievement and we all wish you success in your future career.  

Part4 students received Acoustical Society of NZ award

The following members of the CAL received the Acoustical Society of New Zealand Award for their Part4 project presentation. Congrats to all. Jemima Prins Project title: Design of audio recording unit for localising kiwi birds from their calls Dylan Townsend Thomas...

New journal papers

The following two journal papers authored by the members of the CAL with collaborators are published recently. C.T.J. Hui, M. Kingan, Y. Hioka, G. Schmid, G. Dodd, K.N. Dirks,S. Edlin, S. Mascarenhas, and Y.M. Shim. Quantification of the psychoacoustic effect of noise...

Presentation at Interspeech 2021

We had a presentation at Interspeech 2021 held online this week. Our PhD student Nicholas Eng talked about his recent study that investigated the performance of speech enhancement techniques for synthesised speech titled: “Comparing speech enhancement techniques...

CAL welcomed a new member

The CAL welcomed a new PhD student Clara Zhang who is studying how we could help non-native listeners to understand speech under adverse acoustic environments under the supervision of Dr Yusuke Hioka and Associate Professor Catherine Watson. Welcome Clara!